(478) 971-3315


Custom bracing and support
solutions designed to help you move more and live better.

We treat a full spectrum of gait and musculoskeletal conditions present at birth or caused by illness or injury, with an extensive range of innovative, personalized solutions to help you achieve your goals. By listening to your needs, wants, and concerns, we get to know the whole you, gaining a better perspective on how best to increase your mobility and comfort, while decreasing rehabilitation time.

Ankle & Foot

Stabilize, support, provide proper joint alignment, address muscle weakness, and protect the foot and ankle.

   Ankle Foot Orthses

   Functional Electrical Stimulation

   Diabetic Shoes & Inserts

   Foot Orthoses


Stabilize, support, address muscle weakness, and provide optimal alignment of the knee following trauma, injury, surgery, or conditions that present at birth or later in life.

   Knee ankle foot orthoses

   Knee Orthoses


Stabilize, support, address muscle weakness, and provide optimal alignment of the knee following trauma, injury, surgery, or conditions that present at birth or later in life.


Support and stabilize areas of the body from the jaw to the lower back, including the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.

Upper Limb

Stabilize and immobilize the shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, and hand following injury or surgery.

Chest & Head

Treat, protect, and prevent conditions and injuries affecting the chest and head.

We offer a variety of custom and off-the-shelf orthoses that support the treatment of a range of mobility and musculoskeletal conditions and can help manage symptoms of pain and joint strain.

   Neuromusclar Diseases

   Spinal Injury


   Chronic pain

Orthotic intervention can be beneficial for several reasons. It can help you heal and recover from surgery, compete at the highest level of your game, or help you get back to activities of daily living. Whatever your goals may be, there are orthotic solutions that may be able to help.

   Pre- & Post- Operation


   Trauma, Injury, and Limb Salvage

Patient Stories

Cater Joseph, Jr.


CP doesn’t mean never walking. Many can, many will. Cater is working so hard to achieve this and has come so far with the help of therapy, special equipment, and his AFOs.

Baby Jackson and His Mom Abby


My advice is to just take it day by day. I have really enjoyed using the helmet, and it has helped Jackson immensely. And, view it as a positive thing because it is a positive thing.

Cheryl Hile


I know what it’s like to have doctors tell you that you can’t do something. So, if I can be some sort of positive example to never give up, then I would be so happy.

Solutions for Your Child

We provide a full range of pediatric solutions, including cranial remolding therapy for babies, spinal braces for childhood and adolescent scoliosis, leg and hip braces for children of all ages, sports orthotics for young athletes, and more.

View Pediatric services